Real Jesus in a Real World
Many times, we think Jesus = church. The fact is, Jesus refuses to be locked up in churches. Jesus is more ”down to earth” than we could imagine, and He’s powerfully on the loose in the real world - EVERYwhere - in places, situations, and with people that will often surprise us. Real Jesus in a Real World is just the place to come each week to hear and be inspired by true stories of the amazing difference Jesus is making in the lives of real people living in a very real world.

Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
If you were looking for this Real Jesus, where might you see Him in action? Perhaps in a wealthy country club? Or maybe on location where the news headlines scream in big, bold print: "Nine Teens Dead in Gang Rampage"? Maybe it would be in the meeting of a stranded, hiking motorist and a homeless guy selling newspapers in the sweltering Florida heat. Or perhsps in the risky reality of an "underground" church in China...

Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
"Jesus, Really? I mean, really, for REAL?" This week, we'll hear about some very real experiences with a very real, yes real, Jesus. The truth is that Jesus wasn't born in a fancy, "special", exclusive place. He didn't live and teach in such a place either, and He certainly wasn't killed (crucified) in a fancy place with fancy furnishings. No, He was killed on what would count for a garbage dump. Not between two fancy candles, but between 2 criminals. That's about as real as it gets. Why would a suburban high school business teacher choose to routinely visit the downtown metro jail to make sure someone there had what they needed to graduate? And exactly what does "getting saved" really mean. Saved from what? Saved FOR what? And then, imagine being forgotten on a gurney in a busy hospital emergency department hallway. That's pretty "real" too...

Friday Aug 04, 2023

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Question of the week: When the dark and/or confusing times in our lives come, what kind of light will get us through anything, everything, every time, no matter what?

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Witnessing or experiencing the presence of Real Jesus in everyday does that work? If real Jesus is on the loose everwhere all the time, we probable miss recognizing it far more often than we realize. This week, we begin with a self-described "tech geek" who's asks, "How do I know a 'Christ-follower' from a 'church-follower'?" Next, we'll imagine ourselves in a kindergarten classroom on the first day of school as they are guided to set rules for the year. How will this real Jesus enter into THAT? And last, How might a "Real Jesus Sighting" work in the midst of a family debate over whether a father of ten in hospice care is going to heaven...or hell. How will acknowledging the presence of Real Jesus make a difference in all that?

Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Question of the Week: Real Jesus - Scaring the hell OUT of people, or inviting heaven INTO people? Spoiler alert: Choice B! Welcome to another episode featuring Real Jesus and those "holy troublemakers"! Have you ever encountered someone trying to literally scare the hell OUT of you? Most smart people run the other way (or shut the door or hang up the phone) - fast! But what if that's not the way of Real Jesus and those "HOLY troublemakers" at all? What if Real Jesus operates in exactly the opposite way? What if Real Jesus is all about INVITING heaven into our lives? After all, there's no room for hell in heaven - now THAT's truly groundbreaking!!!

Tuesday May 16, 2023

Thursday May 11, 2023