Real Jesus in a Real World

Many times, we think Jesus = church. The fact is, Jesus refuses to be locked up in churches. Jesus is more ”down to earth” than we could imagine, and He’s powerfully on the loose in the real world - EVERYwhere - in places, situations, and with people that will often surprise us. Real Jesus in a Real World is just the place to come each week to hear and be inspired by true stories of the amazing difference Jesus is making in the lives of real people living in a very real world.

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Friday Mar 15, 2024

Imagine this...imagine that...Our imagination often steers us, even when we don't realize it.  Imagine.  Know that Real Jesus is all about real, last-through-anything love, imagine...imagine an addiction recovery group which meets in a church building.  "My friend told me this group was for everyone.  That does their "everyone" really mean?  Imagine you've just moved into a new apartment.  Someone brings you cookies...and a message that's far from welcoming...and a man whose in-laws "sure know who's going to Hell"  And who does the church belong to?  Answer:  Real Jesus.  Yes, really.  But often it like quite the opposite.  Imagine what church would look like, act like, if "church people" really WERE Real Jesus love people...imagine!  Finally, imagine meeting someone in a local coffee shop who looked very different from the last time you'd seen them there.  Now they just...glowed...with joy.  "I've found my people," they say.  "They're REAL Jesus people.  Imagine...

Real Jesus Says - Here I Am!

Friday Mar 08, 2024

Friday Mar 08, 2024

Sometimes it can feel like God is playing an eternal game of "hide and seek".  It feels like God is hiding, when it's really the other way around.  We're trying to hide.  God is present everywhere, but we often don't notice or pay attention.  And pretty soon, we stop noticing, stop seeing.  And!  It's as if God is saying, "Here I Am!"  But Real Jesus shows us that God - the "Great I Am" NEVER fails to be present: in EVERY neighborhood, on every doorstep, in every "playground", and in every season and situation of bad news.  A "triple crown of good news": who couldn't use one of those?  But what if you have to choose just one?  And have you ever met someone you haven't seen in years?  Someone who changed your life back then in amazing, step-up-and-love-like-Jesus' ways.  Then there's the kid who know just "who" they want to be for Halloween:  Jesus!  What happens when "Jesus" knocks on doors that night?  Wow.  Finally, we'll sit with a team planning worship service theme.  Why do so many of the "Here I am" Bible verses only get used at Christmas?

Friday Mar 01, 2024

Many times, we define ourselves by what we're not.  Not like "them"... But what happens when WE get defined as "them"?  Real Jesus says there's always a place in His love for you...and for all those "thems" too.  First, we'll meet a band student who says solos are nice, but all together is better.  Next, an "intriguingly diverse" family calls and wants to know: "how deep is your welcome?"  Is there a place for THEM?  And then, what does a donated trailer full of building supplies have to teach a team of volunteers about how with Real Jesus, there's a love-filled place for everyone?  Finally, we'll meet a young socce3r player who defines himself as "just a regular player...nothing really important".  And then he realizes that with Real Jesus, there are no "regular, unimportant" people - all are needed, and all are special!

Friday Feb 23, 2024

Where do you think the amazing, life-changing love of Real Jesus is needed most?  Imagine that love being spread far and wide, deep into hearts and lives.  Imagine...A study group looks at the endings of many of the "letter books" of the Bibl3e and realizes the love-power being spread in those final words.  How would they put that "love-spreading" in their own words when they said goodbyes in their daily lives?  And we'll meet Ivan, who uses his birthday cupcakes to spread Real Jesus love to the most unlikely kids in his class at school.  Then, imagine what happens when the #1 mission of Local "Community Make a Difference Days" - Spread Jesus' Love, No Matter What - meets division's destructive power.  Spread the Love!  And finally, we'll listen in as a group of kids in an after-school program reflect on the question:  "What/Who do you think a Christian is?"  You guessed it - spread the love, the REAL love, of Jesus!

Friday Feb 16, 2024

"Don't give up!  It's going to be OK".  A common, and natural response to those words might be..."Really?  Define OK..."  This week, we'll learn about "El sal de Jesus" (the salt of Jesus) as a grandmother passes on her real-life experience of Jesus as "God's Love-Preserver".  And how about the challenge of loving someone you just don't like?  Enter the persistent, Real Jesus led "Love Patrol" on a school playground.  Then we'll meet a woman who, in the space of six short months, lost her spouse, sister, and mother, lost her job, and was diagnosed with a serious illness... and then her faithful beloved dog of 15 years died.  "Dig your roots deep into Jesus", she says.  And then a cat she names "Persistence" shows up.  Finally, meet Sally, whose life and work keep her out of churches, but the steadfast, everywhere love of Real Jesus meets her in a local coffee shop, where she finds "real church".  Real Jesus never gives up on love!

Friday Feb 09, 2024

Come on in!  "To what?", you might ask.  "Where?", you may wonder... Come on in to the power of real, last-though-anything love of Real Jesus!.. Come on in!  Where?  Everywhere...yes, EVERYwhere... "Grace Lives Here".  What would you expect to find behind the doors of an apartment with that sign on the front door?  We'll also an "unusual family" who are new to the town, neighborhood,...and school.  An amazing teacher steps up to make all the difference in their lives...Come on in!  And then there's the church struggling with attendance that decides to TRULY invite, welcome, include, and value EVERYone to the "Jesus Banquet".  Come on in!  Finally, picture a child at a local farmers' market who spots a person very different from herself, yet like her wearing a cross.  "You must belong to the Jesus family too,... "she tells him.  Come on in!

Friday Feb 02, 2024

Ever heard the saying, "They're just full if it!", and wondered...full of WHAT?  It's so easy to let our lives get full of "its" that we'd never choose to "soak up" intentionally.  And before we know it, those "its" define who we are, and what "spills out" of us when we hit life's bumps, rough roads, and potholes.  But what if we set out each day to intentionally fill up with the love-power of Jeal Jesus, and THAT was what "spilled out"?  This week, we'll meet Ava, in "lockdown" during a worldwide pandemic...and it's her birthday...  And some kids talking about how coming to the Jesus-Table can "clean you all the nasty in you", so Jesus can "fill your insides all up" some of the baptismal water!  We'll learn from an amazing seven  year-old who shares the challenges of STAYING full of Jesus' love-power, and finally imagine all kinds of people coming together to fill up with Real!

Friday Jan 26, 2024

Sometimes it feels like our lives are all full of...stuff... and not such good, helpful stuff either.  Not strength and life-giving stuff.  Our life's "automatic pilot" steers us in directions that aren't so good...perhaps even downright bad.  We need a reset, a life "reboot".  A life house cleaning and restocking.  That's where the love filled cleansing and rebuilding power of Real Jesus comes in!  This week, we'll sit with a grandmother and granddaughter as they prepare for baptism and think about what Jesus would "kick out" of their lives.  Then we'll share holy laughter as Curt experiences a "Remembrance of Baptism" service as his kids help "splash-soak" him with grace.  And two soon-to-graduate seniors who can't wait to!!  And finally, what would it be like to be a child who gets adopted by Santa and Mrs. Claus?

Friday Jan 19, 2024

Final words.  That sounds so...FINAL.  But what if those "final words" were not the end, but the beginning of eternal love and life?  This week, we'll imagine what "footprints of a life" might look like.  What might following in those "footprints" be like?  Then we'll look at a list of seemingly weird (and mostly unknown) names at the end of the book of Romans.  They left "lifeprints" - enough to be mentioned by name... Last, we'll listen in to a discussion about "famous last words" as we conclude this series "On the Road with Real Jesus".

Friday Jan 12, 2024

What would it be like to be so full of the indestructible love of Real Jesus that love-power just spilled out of you into the world around you, into the people you know and meet, into every situation you find yourself in?  THAT's a very real part of traveling life's road with Real Jesus.  Imagine this meal (mixed together):  peas, gravy, chocolate pudding, turkey, applesauce...Happy Thanksgiving!  Now mix in some of that Real Jesus love-power...  And how about the kid whose mom bribed (yes, bribed) him to go to church camp.  Everything changed when he (yes, he) became and amazing love-power broker.  Then there's Mabel, who feels powerless as she has to move from her home into an assisted living community.  Love-power broker time!

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