Real Jesus in a Real World
Many times, we think Jesus = church. The fact is, Jesus refuses to be locked up in churches. Jesus is more ”down to earth” than we could imagine, and He’s powerfully on the loose in the real world - EVERYwhere - in places, situations, and with people that will often surprise us. Real Jesus in a Real World is just the place to come each week to hear and be inspired by true stories of the amazing difference Jesus is making in the lives of real people living in a very real world.

Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
In the "storms of life", we often feel like we're being blown around this way and that, with no control over the next gale-force wind or downpour of bad news that will rock our world. And yet, the guiding power and strength of Real Jesus will never fail to see us through those storms...and onward in life. Even if...Those storms are huge. We'll travel with Jes and his family through the first five days of the aftermath of a catastrophic storm which flooded their home as they slept. And sometimes those storms seem like a bad dream (that we hope we'll wake up from NOW) - brought on by our own bad the aftermath of a teenager who throws a big arty when her folks are out of town. And then a group of young Girl Scouts knock on the front door... Finally, we'll sit with a group of teachers deciding "what to do with Jill", a 16 year-old 8th grader who was failing...again. And then a teacher steps up to walk with Jill through the storms of her life. As he shares the guiding love of Real Jesus with her, more lives are changed than he ever imagined!

Friday May 17, 2024
Friday May 17, 2024
Hard times. Most of us have experienced them. They may look different, but they are all...hard. That's when the truth of "hard times - strong Jesus" matters most. What happens when an elderly homeless woman's life meets that of a "street preacher"? Her challenge, "What-you gonna DO?" shows him, and us, what really matters. And how about when the love of that strong Jesus echoes in the question posed in the middle of an unpleasant conversation in a soup kitchen serving line, which begins with "Can we talk?" Enter strong Jesus and His transforming love.... Finally, in the aftermath of the death of their grandmother and the fire that then destroyed her home, two grandsons discover a fireproof box in the ashes.. What it contains will change their loves.

Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
Jesus' definition in action of ALL and TOGETHER and probably quite different from ours. Our first response might be some version of "but that's not fair!" Isn't it a good thing that His definition of "fair" is so full of love? Love...yes, for ALL, TOGETHER. Including...A family participating in a "virtual hymn sing" from home during mass isolation during a pandemic. Young Bobby is ready. He has the perfect song list! And then a big brother who learns that God's "all together", and God's "fair" are (thankfully) not the same as ours. Finally, the powerful, ture love and inclusion a church janitor shares with a woman sitting outside on a bench who says she "just wouldn't fit" - and the powerful ways God's "together" changes both their lives.

Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
Jesus People. Many times, we just aren't sure we're good enough, or_____ enough. But the truth is that each of us is "enough" for Jesus to love - no matter what. This week, we'll meet...Kids in a group for those who'd lost loved ones, as they realize that Jesus is everywhere, every time, for everyone. And then meet a little boy named Christopher, who learns the difference between vengeance and Love's "Golden Rule". Then imagine the encounters that lead to the opening of a sandwich shop called "God's Doin's". Finally, we'll meet a man named Ned as he shares with an addiction recovery group about "all the seeds God's planted in my life and all the ways I've tried to kill them..." Five years clean and sober, his life is a powerful example of the never-giving-up love of Real Jesus - yes, even for him.

Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
REAL. How would you define that word? Here's one definition: Right in the middle of "it", whatever "it" is. That describes the presence - and the love mission - of Real Jesus. For example...The challenge faced when someone notices a "Jesus" bumper sticker on your vehicle...and a cross necklace on you. They ask, "Does that REALLY mean He's in charge, or...? And a man who's disgusted as he overhears someone saying, "My God this, ...and my God that..." He wants to know, who owns who...for REAL. Then, as elections draw nearer and nearer, how would you answer the question, "Who are you voting for?" What if the answer - for real and in everything - was...Jesus, not just on one special day, but every day? Finally, we'll meet a boy who's about as real as it gets in his reliance on the love-power of Fral Jesus as he speaks about the "Bathroom Prayer"...say, WHAT? Yep, for REAL!

Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Purpose. If someone were to spend a day (or a week, or a __) with you, how might they describe your purpose in life? This week, we'll encounter some people exploring that real, and deep, question. What IS you real purpose? Overwhelmed. Single parenting three kids, parents miles away in assisted living, working from home in the middle of a worldwide pandemic...Maria discovers the joyful strength of real, life-giving purpose. And in the aftermath of the death of his beloved wife, Carl looks back at his life's "purpose history". But what NOW? Then we'll meet Bob. 97 years old and on a mission trip in a city recovering from a major flood. His real life purpose changed lives...beyond counting. Finally, we'll meet another guy named Bob, whose Civil Air Patrol group was part of a Habitat for Humanity build. His life-purpose motto - "trust and go", was put to the test when big challenges came up...Real Jesus - Real purpose to last a lifetime!

Friday Apr 12, 2024
Friday Apr 12, 2024
Real love. REAL Love. REAL. LOVE. HOW real? Good question. Answer: As real as it gets. No wait, more real than we can ever imagine. What might that "real love" be like? Well, here are just a few real examples. First, meet Billy. He's sitting at the "time out" table. Uh oh...not good...until he gets a dose of Real Jesus. When love-soaked grace moves in... wow. And then witness the power of that real love as a Black teen invites his white friend (and son of a leader in the local Whate supremacist group) to church. What happens next is all about the real love. Then we'll go shopping with a child who is inspired by that same real love to go on a "More God-Cookies!" mission. Fun! Finally, what if our automatic (often trained from childhood) "thank you" response was transformed into a lifelong habit and mission to spread the Real love of Jesus? We'll meet a grandmother who did just that. Real Jesus Love in action!

Friday Apr 05, 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024
How might our lives be different if we saw everything through the lenses of the powerful love of Real Jesus? This week, we'll meet some people who did their best to do just that. From homeless, living in a car with her living in the "huge-est house ever", with all kinds of pets too! From standing by a fellow student who's being having an amazing new friend! From the depression of graduating from high school amid the shutdowns of a worldwide the amazing open doors to a dream future! And from 97 years old to age 3...bit by bit, year by did that happen? Meet Irv - amazing, Jesus-vision Irv!

Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Steadfast. Persistent. What comes to mind when you see or hear these words? How about "steadfast, persistent love"? That's what Real Jesus is all about - all the time, every time. This week, we'll meet a grandson who brings the power of Real Jesus's persistent love and grace into the life of his grandmother as she recovers from a debilitating stroke. And I'll share what I call "legacy of love" words from two very different grandmothers (literally a world apart). Then, what about the power of an attitude of persistent, steadfast thanksgiving rooted in the powerful love of Real Jesus - which gives true and amazing strength as a woman nears the end of her earthly life. Thanksgiving? Yep! And finally, we'll meet Ana, a self-described "hospice expert", who has "graduated" from hospice care three times. In her, we'll experience the power of the steadfast, persistent, thankful love of Real Jesus. Real Jesus = Persistent, steadfast LOVE!

Friday Mar 22, 2024
Friday Mar 22, 2024
"Be strong". When life gets tough, we often hear some version/variation of these words. What if the most helpful words were instead, "Tough times - strong Jesus"? What IS "real strength"? We'll meet a high school athlete who seeks the real (and amazing) Jesus-strength she sees in her autistic brother. And then there's an amazing woman named Beatrice, in hospice care nearing the end of her earthly life...middle name - Grace. Lifelong strength - Real Jesus. And what if, when you thought of "joy", it's definition became J.O.Y. = Jesus On You? Meet Mabel and Simon, whose JOY in the midst of very challenging times give them strength beyond imagining! Finally, we'll join a group of students who are raising vegetable seedlings to be planted in a local community garden. They discover that strong soil = strong plants, and as they re-pot the baby plants, they think about the strength of planting their lives IN Real Jesus.