Real Jesus in a Real World

Many times, we think Jesus = church. The fact is, Jesus refuses to be locked up in churches. Jesus is more ”down to earth” than we could imagine, and He’s powerfully on the loose in the real world - EVERYwhere - in places, situations, and with people that will often surprise us. Real Jesus in a Real World is just the place to come each week to hear and be inspired by true stories of the amazing difference Jesus is making in the lives of real people living in a very real world.

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Friday Jun 21, 2024

How serious is this Real Jesus about that powerful, last through anything love?  VERY serious.  As serious as you could ever imagine.  Yep!  Like the amazing legacy of that love in action when a family gets serious about the fact that, "Jesus people do Jesus things" and a young man's life is changed forever.  And a grandmother who, unable to drive anymore and with family a hundred miles away, discovers that the serious love of Real Jesus is on it!  Yep!  And then we'll imagine ourselve3s at the ordination of a Christian minister as a surprise guest enters - his father whom he hasn't heard from in years - A Muslim imam - comes forward to speak.  Serious, amazing love in action indeed!  And finally, what happens when a child shares the difference the powerful love of Real Jesus in making for his imprisoned mother - through the hands and voice of the "jail pastor" (chaplain)?  Serious love?  Yep - that's Real Jesus!

Friday Jun 14, 2024

These days it seems like the world is divided in more ways than we can count.  In the middle of all that, some people try to use God to support their own "side" of whatever issue or conflict they are involved in.  They say things like, "God is with me", "May God go with you", or even, "God is on our side".  Yike.  The truth is quite the opposite.  The all-powerful live of God demonstrated in Real Jesus is bigger than all that.  The truth is, it's US that are allied and urged to be, go, and live WITH God (not the other way around).  This week, we'll meet a young man who goes to his grandfather for advice: who/what should he vote for?  And then a teacher challenges the class with this - who would they make the "president and CEO" of their lives?  And would you eat at a place called the "'Jesus' Table Diner"?  With THEM?  And finally, does anyone "own" or "manage" the "kingdom of God"?  Nope.  Not me, not you, not anyone!

Friday Jun 07, 2024 love itself.  That's an accurate, powerful, ternal definition of life with Real Jesus.  Wanted.  Chosen.  Loved.  Adopted.  Take a moment to take that in, to soak it up.  Because it's real.  Very, very real.  Real for someone who describes their "two adoptions" - yes to the family that adopted them as a baby; and yes, to God's "adopting me forever" at the time of their baptism.  Real for a girl who shocks her mother by inviting a girl to a fun kids' event who has repeatedly been mean to her.  She says, "It's BECAUSE she's mean that asked her to come."  And then the surprising answer a restaurant server gets to her question, "What are you hungry for today?... "Love".  And then what happens next could easily be described as pure, powerful, love-powered adoption.  Finally, a young child's words to the judge in court on the day she and her brother were officially adopted into a new family:  "When we love like Jesus, THAT love lasts forever, through anything!"

Monday Jun 03, 2024

About now, especially if you've heard previous episodes of the podcast, you might be thinking...Wait a minute!  Didn't this one air back in March?  The fact is there are SO many examples of the not-giving-up-ever love of Real Jesus that they won't all fit in one episode (not even close)!  So, here's more about that persistent love...  Like when a teacher asks a student, "Who's your Valentine's Day card for? and the surprising answer is, "God.  My card's for God."  Hmmm... Or when someone calls themselves a "holy troublemaker" - like Real Jesus.  Or how about a persistent church deacon who LIVES the love-soaked welcome of Real Jesus, right in the church sanctuary, during worship, right at Communion time.  Love like Jesus:  nothing's going to stop him from doing that!  And finally, we'll meet "Dr. Jake" as he too lives the persistence of Jesus love as he travels the "healing road" in order to create a new face for a woman following a horrific attack in which acid was thrown in her face.  Bit by bit, a new face (and a restored heart) is built by the persistent love of Real Jesus at work in very real lives.

Friday May 24, 2024

In the "storms of life", we often feel like we're being blown around this way and that, with no control over the next gale-force wind or downpour of bad news that will rock our world.  And yet, the guiding power and strength of Real Jesus will never fail to see us through those storms...and onward in life.  Even if...Those storms are huge.  We'll travel with Jes and his family through the first five days of the aftermath of a catastrophic storm which flooded their home as they slept.  And sometimes those storms seem like a bad dream (that we hope we'll wake up from NOW) - brought on by our own bad the aftermath of a teenager who throws a big arty when her folks are out of town.  And then a group of young Girl Scouts knock on the front door...  Finally, we'll sit with a group of teachers deciding "what to do with Jill", a 16 year-old 8th grader who was failing...again.  And then a teacher steps up to walk with Jill through the storms of her life.  As he shares the guiding love of Real Jesus with her, more lives are changed than he ever imagined!

Hard Times with Real Jesus

Friday May 17, 2024

Friday May 17, 2024

Hard times.  Most of us have experienced them.  They may look different, but they are all...hard.  That's when the truth of "hard times - strong Jesus" matters most.  What happens when an elderly homeless woman's life meets that of a "street preacher"?  Her challenge, "What-you gonna DO?"  shows him, and us, what really matters.  And how about when the love of that strong Jesus echoes in the question posed in the middle of an unpleasant conversation in a soup kitchen serving line, which begins with "Can we talk?"  Enter strong Jesus and His transforming love....  Finally, in the aftermath of the death of their grandmother and the fire that then destroyed her home, two grandsons discover a fireproof box in the ashes.. What it contains will change their loves.

Friday May 10, 2024

Jesus' definition in action of ALL and TOGETHER and probably quite different from ours.  Our first response might be some version of "but that's not fair!"  Isn't it a good thing that His definition of "fair" is so full of love?  Love...yes, for ALL, TOGETHER.  Including...A family participating in a "virtual hymn sing" from home during mass isolation during a pandemic.  Young Bobby is ready.  He has the perfect song list!  And then a big brother who learns that God's "all together", and God's "fair" are (thankfully) not the same as ours.  Finally, the powerful, ture love and inclusion a church janitor shares with a woman sitting outside on a bench who says she "just wouldn't fit" - and the powerful ways God's "together" changes both their lives.

Real Jesus - For ME?

Friday May 03, 2024

Friday May 03, 2024

Jesus People.  Many times, we just aren't sure we're good enough, or_____ enough.  But the truth is that each of us is "enough" for Jesus to love - no matter what.  This week, we'll meet...Kids in a group for those who'd lost loved ones, as they realize that Jesus is everywhere, every time, for everyone.  And then meet a little boy named Christopher, who learns the difference between vengeance and Love's "Golden Rule".  Then imagine the encounters that lead to the opening of a sandwich shop called "God's Doin's".  Finally, we'll meet a man named Ned as he shares with an addiction recovery group about "all the seeds God's planted in my life and all the ways I've tried to kill them..."  Five years clean and sober, his life is a powerful example of the never-giving-up love of Real Jesus - yes, even for him.

Real Jesus - For REAL

Friday Apr 26, 2024

Friday Apr 26, 2024

REAL.  How would you define that word?  Here's one definition:  Right in the middle of "it", whatever "it" is.  That describes the presence - and the love mission - of Real Jesus.  For example...The challenge faced when someone notices a "Jesus" bumper sticker on your vehicle...and a cross necklace on you.  They ask, "Does that REALLY mean He's in charge, or...?  And a man who's disgusted as he overhears someone saying, "My God this, ...and my God that..."  He wants to know, who owns who...for REAL.  Then, as elections draw nearer and nearer, how would you answer the question, "Who are you voting for?"  What if the answer - for real and in everything - was...Jesus, not just on one special day, but every day?  Finally, we'll meet a boy who's about as real as it gets in his reliance on the love-power of Fral Jesus as he speaks about the "Bathroom Prayer"...say, WHAT?  Yep, for REAL!

Real Jesus = Real Purpose

Friday Apr 19, 2024

Friday Apr 19, 2024

Purpose.  If someone were to spend a day (or a week, or a __) with you, how might they describe your purpose in life?  This week, we'll encounter some people exploring that real, and deep, question.  What IS you real purpose?  Overwhelmed.  Single parenting three kids, parents miles away in assisted living, working from home in the middle of a worldwide pandemic...Maria discovers the joyful strength of real, life-giving purpose.  And in the aftermath of the death of his beloved wife, Carl looks back at his life's "purpose history".  But what NOW?  Then we'll meet Bob.  97 years old and on a mission trip in a city recovering from a major flood.  His real life purpose changed lives...beyond counting.  Finally, we'll meet another guy named Bob, whose Civil Air Patrol group was part of a Habitat for Humanity build.  His life-purpose motto - "trust and go", was put to the test when big challenges came up...Real Jesus - Real purpose to last a lifetime!

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