Real Jesus in a Real World
Many times, we think Jesus = church. The fact is, Jesus refuses to be locked up in churches. Jesus is more ”down to earth” than we could imagine, and He’s powerfully on the loose in the real world - EVERYwhere - in places, situations, and with people that will often surprise us. Real Jesus in a Real World is just the place to come each week to hear and be inspired by true stories of the amazing difference Jesus is making in the lives of real people living in a very real world.

Friday Aug 02, 2024
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Real Jesus - the ultimate love-powered "holy troublemaker" is on the loose - everywhere! But people often don't notice, pay attention, listen, or follow His road of love-directed life. And then there are those times when His "Can you hear Me NOW? gets our attention. For example, when ten-year-old Theo wants to change his name - until he learns about the "Theo" in the Bible. When he starts truly listening to the voice and love of Real Jesus, his life is never the same! And then we'll listen to a group of chaplain students as they talk about the many ways the love voice of Real Jesus echoes and guides through the wilderness times of life. And diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a woman hears that love-powered voice in and through a tiny plant growing in the crack of her windowsill. And finally, we'll take a tour through a child's drawing of what a life spent paying attention the "can you hear me NOW? voice of Real Jesus might be like. Can you hear Him NOW?

Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
This week, we'll look at the word "atonement" up close and personal. What makes up that word? Is it just a "this for that" kind of thing? What's underneath all that baggage (some not so great) that it often carries? Think about it this way: At-One-Ment. Being literally At One with Real Jesus, because that's the goal, the mission, of Real Jesus and His love-power. At one with the power of love itself. First, we'll listen in to a group talking about how the cradle and cross of Jesus are connected forever - at one - to continually connect and empower us to love. Then picture a student chaplain entering a secure forensic unit in a mental hospital - only to be greeted with, " glad to meet you! I'm Jesus Christ, but you can call me J.C. if you want. What? And we'll meet some folks in an addiction recovery group who realize the power of this "at-one-ment" in the face of temptations to "do stupid". Finally, we'll see the amazing difference a member of a mission team makes as he steadfastly acts out his "at-one-ment" with Real Jesus - no matter what anyone else says. Now that's the real power of "at-one-ment" with Real Jesus!

Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Hang On! Helpful words, but how can you hang on when you feel like you've got nothing left to hang on with? And/or to hang on to? That's when the amazing presence of Real Jesus is most powerful - and always available. First, we'll meet Tom, a self-described "snowbird traveler", a dwelling-less guy who travels miles every year, doing add jobs in exchange for food and or money. What he hangs onto fits neatly in his pocket - assuring him he always has something to "hang onto". Then we'll sit with an exhausted hearth care worker in the midst of the worldwide covid pandemic, and a military veteran of six combat tours of duty. Finally, we hear the wise, strong words of Mary, a participant in a Bible study of "crazy end times" as she describes the hang-on rock solid strength of Real Jesus love - strong from the "beginning to the end of time" itself. Hang on!

Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Healing love - the powerful, can't diminish or extinguish it kind of love - now that's all about deep down, under all the hurt and mess healing. Healing underneath and beyond all the limitations or definitions anyone might experience (or promote). One man describes this powerful healing love as the "sin removing laundry soak". Real Jesus offers. An ER doctor speaks of the power of this healing love that flows through him to his patients "even and especially when I've got nothing left". And a man wakes up from surgery to discover he's blind. Where's the healing in THAT? Then we'll hear about the power of this healing love in the midst of the indescribable, sudden loss of a son and a daughter. Finally, the power of everyday sharing of the healing love-light of Real Jesus, which can shine in the darkest times we could ever imagine.

Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Sometimes we look around at all the craziness in the world and we think...what difference could love make? The obstacles and enemies to that love seem so big, so insurmountable...but then we see. The love-power of Real Jesus can - and does - literally make all the difference in the world. Like when Mary Belle has to move from her home of decades into an assisted living community, and her son Tom is left in charge of "going through your dad's and my things". Or one boy's difference-making response to a classmate who says, "...except mean people. I think all that love just bounces off them." And then we'll go to the store with a girl and her mom. A girl whose voice rings out across the aisles as she says, "I HATE rules!" What rules, you might wonder. And then it all changes as they decide to go "shopping with Jesus". Hmmm...And finally, we'll meet jenny, who surprises (OK, shocks) her mother when she insists on inviting a girl who has been mean (OK, bullying) her to a special party event. What a difference!

Friday Jun 28, 2024
Friday Jun 28, 2024
What do you picture when you hear or see the word "contagious"? Probably nothing good, right? But what if...what if the MOST contagious thing you could ever imagine is also the most strengthening, healing, positively amazing thing? That's exactly how the love power of Real Jesus works - it's contagious beyond anything we could ever imagine, and it's GOOD! First, we'll visit the classroom of a teacher named Ping, who's trying to teach his young students about viruses. Contagious viruses. Yike! Until young Marta introduces him to The Love Virus - wow! And what do you imagine might happen if people tried to hold down or limit that all-powerful love? Look out! It's mighty contagious! Then we'll meet a teacher who's been told that a new, "challenging" student will be joining her class. When that contagious Real Jesus love enter the picture - what a difference! And finally, we'll join a family at the dinner table as they remember their beloved grandmother and share about the eternal "love-tag" she spread. Contagious love!

Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
How serious is this Real Jesus about that powerful, last through anything love? VERY serious. As serious as you could ever imagine. Yep! Like the amazing legacy of that love in action when a family gets serious about the fact that, "Jesus people do Jesus things" and a young man's life is changed forever. And a grandmother who, unable to drive anymore and with family a hundred miles away, discovers that the serious love of Real Jesus is on it! Yep! And then we'll imagine ourselve3s at the ordination of a Christian minister as a surprise guest enters - his father whom he hasn't heard from in years - A Muslim imam - comes forward to speak. Serious, amazing love in action indeed! And finally, what happens when a child shares the difference the powerful love of Real Jesus in making for his imprisoned mother - through the hands and voice of the "jail pastor" (chaplain)? Serious love? Yep - that's Real Jesus!

Friday Jun 14, 2024
Friday Jun 14, 2024
These days it seems like the world is divided in more ways than we can count. In the middle of all that, some people try to use God to support their own "side" of whatever issue or conflict they are involved in. They say things like, "God is with me", "May God go with you", or even, "God is on our side". Yike. The truth is quite the opposite. The all-powerful live of God demonstrated in Real Jesus is bigger than all that. The truth is, it's US that are allied and urged to be, go, and live WITH God (not the other way around). This week, we'll meet a young man who goes to his grandfather for advice: who/what should he vote for? And then a teacher challenges the class with this - who would they make the "president and CEO" of their lives? And would you eat at a place called the "'Jesus' Table Diner"? With THEM? And finally, does anyone "own" or "manage" the "kingdom of God"? Nope. Not me, not you, not anyone!

Friday Jun 07, 2024
Friday Jun 07, 2024 love itself. That's an accurate, powerful, ternal definition of life with Real Jesus. Wanted. Chosen. Loved. Adopted. Take a moment to take that in, to soak it up. Because it's real. Very, very real. Real for someone who describes their "two adoptions" - yes to the family that adopted them as a baby; and yes, to God's "adopting me forever" at the time of their baptism. Real for a girl who shocks her mother by inviting a girl to a fun kids' event who has repeatedly been mean to her. She says, "It's BECAUSE she's mean that asked her to come." And then the surprising answer a restaurant server gets to her question, "What are you hungry for today?... "Love". And then what happens next could easily be described as pure, powerful, love-powered adoption. Finally, a young child's words to the judge in court on the day she and her brother were officially adopted into a new family: "When we love like Jesus, THAT love lasts forever, through anything!"

Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
About now, especially if you've heard previous episodes of the podcast, you might be thinking...Wait a minute! Didn't this one air back in March? The fact is there are SO many examples of the not-giving-up-ever love of Real Jesus that they won't all fit in one episode (not even close)! So, here's more about that persistent love... Like when a teacher asks a student, "Who's your Valentine's Day card for? and the surprising answer is, "God. My card's for God." Hmmm... Or when someone calls themselves a "holy troublemaker" - like Real Jesus. Or how about a persistent church deacon who LIVES the love-soaked welcome of Real Jesus, right in the church sanctuary, during worship, right at Communion time. Love like Jesus: nothing's going to stop him from doing that! And finally, we'll meet "Dr. Jake" as he too lives the persistence of Jesus love as he travels the "healing road" in order to create a new face for a woman following a horrific attack in which acid was thrown in her face. Bit by bit, a new face (and a restored heart) is built by the persistent love of Real Jesus at work in very real lives.