Real Jesus in a Real World
Many times, we think Jesus = church. The fact is, Jesus refuses to be locked up in churches. Jesus is more ”down to earth” than we could imagine, and He’s powerfully on the loose in the real world - EVERYwhere - in places, situations, and with people that will often surprise us. Real Jesus in a Real World is just the place to come each week to hear and be inspired by true stories of the amazing difference Jesus is making in the lives of real people living in a very real world.

Friday Dec 20, 2024

Friday Dec 13, 2024

Friday Dec 06, 2024
Friday Dec 06, 2024
Hope. Peace. Joy. Love. Those are the "theme words" many Christians traditions hold in common in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Every year, we return our focus to the ways Real Jesus defines these powerful words in the midst of a world in which the very opposite of each of them seems to dominate, seems closer and closer to "winning". And yet, nothing and no one can ever truly redefine the hope, peace, joy, and love God offers each and every one of us in the gift of Real Jesus. This week we look at hope - as defined and redefined by God in Jesus. If you could picture what someone called their "wallet words of hope", what might they be? And what would it feel like to have your "empty hope well filled by Jesus at His Table"? And imagine the power of that hope in the life of a boy lost in the wilderness for three long days who hears an owl call - every time he gets scared. Then we'll visit the hospice room art gallery in which every picture contains these words from Psalm 71:14: "But me? I will hope, always." Finally, a woman facing serious medical issues reaches over to her bedside table for a flashlight. Not just any flashlight either. You could call it a "heaven-sent flashlight of hope"! Real, rock-solid, last-through-any-challenge hope that lights the way to real peace, joy, and love. That's the Real Jesus way!

Friday Nov 29, 2024
Friday Nov 29, 2024
Full of thanks. Not just any thanks, but a thankfulness filled and fueled by a love so big, so powerful, so indestructible that no mere words can describe it. This week, we'll meet some people who discover that kind of thankfulness. First, we encounter two young Marines in the waiting room of a military hospital - one preparing for his first deployment to Afghanistan and the other returning there soon on his second. They share in thankfulness for the affirmation of a chaplain that "God is the King of Semper Fi and has the night watch covered". Then we'll be invited to place ourselves in the shoes of an ordinary gardener as soldiers arrive in the garden to arrest Jesus. We'll sit with him as he dines with his family that night, as his thankful heart realizes that the love of God always wins. Always. Then imagine how thankful you might be to discover a church where everyone was truly welcome, included, and valued. Finally, a group of vacation Bible school kids is given a project: together, create a picture of Jesus. The result of that will shine and resonate with the love power of Real Jesus - for everyone. Not THAT's something to be thankful for!

Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Ever found yourself feeling like you're in life's "lost & found", just waiting...for something or someone? Well, it is the lost and FOUND. No matter how lost you feel, Real Jesus is all about you FINDING yourself in HIS love. First, we'll meet Marissa. Diagnosed with cancer, she decides to end her life - she's in the ultimate "lost" place. And then everything changes... Then we'll go (literally) on the road with the "Jesus on the Road" church, which meets in various truck stops along a highway. Talk about lost and found! Next, we'll meet Meghan, home on spring bread, as she's invited by her friend Terri to "get wasted" at a party. Lost...or found? Finally, we'll join in the fun of a week-long youth camp game where points are encouraged for all kinds of fun "lost & found" type things. The final event - a tough puzzle competition...but there's a secret "lost & found" strategy! Bottom line - you can never be too "lost" to be FOUND, filled, and strengthened by Real Jesus and His love-power!

Friday Nov 15, 2024
Friday Nov 15, 2024
This week, we'll meet 5 real people who made the decision to accept the leading love of Real Jesus. Led by that love, their lives are strengthened and forever changed. First, a young man named Toby is surprised and challenged to see, and live into, the truth that he is a leader. Second, we'll meet a class of third graders and their teacher Mr. Stevens when, in the midst of a science experiment, a boy named Todd leads with what he calls "Leaky grace"! Third, what happens when you hear a song about "running a hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction" and realize that no matter what, you can always "return to sender" - the powerful love of God - and the leading love of Real Jesus? Then at their 20th anniversary party, Sue and Bo see clearly the strength of the leading love of Real Jesus, and how it has led them through so much... And finally, we'll listen in as Tim shares with his friend Eric about how Real Jesus led him into what he calls his "second (holy) childhood". Hmmm...Just fire true and powerful examples of the life-changing power of the leading love of Real Jesus. Lead on!

Friday Nov 08, 2024
Friday Nov 08, 2024
Forever. Always. Upon hearing those words, your honest response may be something like..."really"? or "mmmm hmmmm, RIGHT..." or perhaps, "until...what?" But the truth is that with Real Jesus, those words mean exactly what they say. Forever - never ending, ever. Always - think ALL-WAYS, love power at work in ALL WAYS. For example, when a group of kids discover the difference between a tug-of-war game and a tug-of-grace game. That's a forever difference! Then the experience of military basic training beckons, with its aura of "temporary quarters", and you wonder, is ANYthing "forever" or "always"? And what happens when Shannon finds herself getting to spend two whole weeks on a mission team with her "dream date", Brad? And what about those times when life just seems to leave you "twisting and spinning in the wind"? Enter the forever love anchor of Real Jesus! Finally, we'll meet Lora, a "veteran" of juvenile detention. Is THAT to be her "forever identity"? Again, the forever ALL-WAYS love power of Real Jesus in on it!

Friday Nov 01, 2024
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Walking IN love. Walking IN LOVE. What might that be like? Mo matter what, to know that Real Jesus is ready to walk right into each and every situation and struggle you face, and to lead you through and onward walking IN that love from that day into! In the aftermath of accidentally striking and killing a young man named Carl with her car, she feels so much gui9lt that she says, "Jesus never came out of the tomb in my life". Then she reaches out to Carl's parents and her life is forever changed as they lead her out of her own tomb and back into love's life path. And then we'll meet Jared, a young stockbroker on the floor of the stock exchange the day the markets crashed. Choosing to walk in the love of Real Jesus leads them to adopt 3 new amazing sons! And how about a unique university "abnormal psychology" class first session and it's "abnormal invitations" to choose pathways of loving care? Finally, imagine getting lost in the middle of nowhere while participating in an "orienteering challenge" - following a set of hiking instructions with just a compass and backpack...where's Real Jesus on THAT walk? Walking IN the love power of Real Jesus - it makes all the difference!

Friday Oct 25, 2024
Friday Oct 25, 2024
If you were asked to describe a "legacy of love that would last forever", what would you say? Perhaps these very real examples will help. First, we'll witness the awful reality of military personnel knocking on the front door to share the news of the death of a beloved son and brother - and the love legacy aftermath. Then, we'll meet Todd, who hasn't been to church in a long time. His dad's the youth leader though, and he needs someone to play the role of Simon (who carries the cross of Jesus) in an upcoming church play. At 6 foot 8, Todd would be perfect. Decisions, decisions...will Todd say yes? What happens next is indeed love legacy building! And when Joe's friend Will dies without any living family, Joe and his family step up to be that family. In doing that, they discover the powerful love legacy of Will's mission to "place as many seals of hope in the world as I can". Simply amazing! Then Brad (big brother to 6-month-old brother) and BJ (soon to have a baby sister) meet in the doctor's office, a legacy of love friendship begins. That's Real Jesus in action - builder of forever love legacies too numerous to ever count!

Friday Oct 18, 2024
Friday Oct 18, 2024
Ever been in line for something? We all have. Waiting. Waiting. Not always the easiest thing to do. In fact, sometimes we just give up. Where IS the "get you through it" power of Jesus in THAT line? He's all over it, in every part of it - first, last, and every spot in between. First, we'll learn about a whole different king of "Sam's Club" - a legacy of love indeed. Then Brian shows up for a job interview and finds a room full of applicants. Yike! Does he even stand a chance? And then there's Maureen, diagnosed with "terminal cancer", which could feel like being in the worst kind of line ever - waiting to die. But then she discovers the love power of Real Jesus - right there in line with her! And finally, the two students "last in line" to be assigned science class lab partners - the "new kid" and the "kiss of death" lab partner. Just wait till you hear how that "in line" experience turns out! That's the strength of the love power of Real Jesus at work - in any and every "line", and in each and every place in that line!