Real Jesus in a Real World
Many times, we think Jesus = church. The fact is, Jesus refuses to be locked up in churches. Jesus is more ”down to earth” than we could imagine, and He’s powerfully on the loose in the real world - EVERYwhere - in places, situations, and with people that will often surprise us. Real Jesus in a Real World is just the place to come each week to hear and be inspired by true stories of the amazing difference Jesus is making in the lives of real people living in a very real world.

4 days ago

Friday Feb 21, 2025

Friday Feb 14, 2025

Friday Feb 07, 2025

Sunday Feb 02, 2025

Friday Jan 24, 2025

Friday Jan 17, 2025

Friday Jan 10, 2025
Friday Jan 10, 2025
As we turn the page into a new year, we yearn for (and often pray for) peace. Not just a weak, conditional, only for some people peace, but real, universal, everywhere for everyone PEACE. It seems so impossible. But the truth is that even when peace seems hard (seemingly impossible) to find, Real Jesus is never, ever giving up. He's all about love-powered, lifegiving, new every day, PEACE. After all, one of his many names is Prince of PEACE! First, what might it be like to experience the power of the Prince of Peace (Jesus) every day, always, forever - even if you've "messed up" - so fully that peace "leaks and squirts out of you all over the place"? Wow. Then we'll witness how investigative reporter Carla experiences some love-powered words of Rev. Martin Luther King in action. And we'll be inspired by a boy who brings the love and peace power of Real Jesus into a grocery store in the days of un-peace during the covid-19 pandemic.

Friday Jan 03, 2025
Friday Jan 03, 2025
As we turn the page into a new year, we have hopes. Most of us could fill in this blank (at least once): I hope _____________. Even in the midst of life's disappointments, even when hope seems hard (seemingly impossible) to find, Real Jesus is never, ever giving up. He's all about love-powered, lifegiving, new everyday HOPE. First, what could a light-up, stuffed green worm have to do with spreading this hope? Then, we'll be challenged to think about these words from the Bible: "...the person whose hope re3sts on the Lord - is truly happy!" Hope >>truly happy...what a connection! And speaking of forever, steadfast hope, we'll take a ride in an airplane cockpit as a young pilot experiences "hope beyond measure" - an experience begun when he received a simple envelope. Next, how would you link the words "confession" and "hope"? We'll meet a little boy and a grocery store worker who, with seemingly small acts, demonstrate the power of Real Jesus hope - especially in the midst of those storms of life.

Friday Dec 27, 2024
Friday Dec 27, 2024
Hope. Peace. Joy. Love. Those are the "theme words" many Christian traditions hold in common in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Every year, we return our focus to the ways Real Jesus defines these powerful words in the midst of a world in which the very opposite of each of them seems to dominate, seems closer and closer to "winning". And yet, nothing and no one can ever truly redefine the hope, peace, joy, and love God offers each and every one of us in the gift of Real Jesus. This week we look at love. First, a group of people attending a weekly meal called Soul Cafe discuss the relationship between faith, hope, and love. Why does the Bible say that love is the greatest of these three, and how are they connected?